Grip-Rest/Sof*Brace (Blue)
Shipping & handling charges
Subtotal amount Add for S&H
up to $ 15.00 $3.00
$15.01 to $ 40.00 $5.00
$40.01 to $ 75.00 $6.00
$75.01 to $100.00 $7.00
over $100.00 FREE
Shipping Information
(Only for mailing an order to Better Hands)
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
City, State, ZIP _________________________________________________________

Payment Method: ________ Check Enclosed________VISA or MasterCard
Name on card _________________________________________________________
Card No.: ______________________________________________Exp. __________
Signature ______________________________________________Date __________
Thermal Glove One size fits most hands (White)
Secure Grip One size fits most hands (Navy Blue)
(Not to scale)
Mail in
One pair of thermal gloves
included with each pair of
Grip Rest ordered